The HVAC System of the Future Swaps Thermostats for Thermal Cameras | Ed Bogner Mechanical Inc.

The HVAC System of the Future Swaps Thermostats for Thermal Cameras

The HVAC System of the Future Swaps Thermostats for Thermal Cameras

In a new paper, scientists from the University of Michigan present a suggested design for an HVAC system that turns biofeedback into a comfortable temperature. The Human Embodied Autonomous Thermostat (HEAT) system works by observing people in a room with a camera that registers their facial temperature.

Civil engineer and lead researcher Carol Menassa says in a statement that she believes this research can enable more comfortable workplaces, especially during a transition time when people coming back to work should be wearing facial coverings to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. "COVID presents a variety of new climate control challenges,” she explains.

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